Preston's favorite links
(you can learn a lot about a person from their bookmarks)
note: most of these are old
Audrey's Movie Reviews at
Audrey's Movie Show, Talking Pictures
Mitch, Audrey, and Sophie's family website
My dad's columns for the Deseret News
Other Stuff
Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville. The greatest musician ever.
Australian Football League official site.
Urban Legends Reference Page.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints official website.
On Line Guitar Archive. Resource for guitar tablature.
Skyscraperpage. Reference to the worlds skyscrapers.
Worldcityphotos. Great Photos of the worlds cities. discussion board of University of Utah Athletics.
Palminfocenter. Information and news on Palm OS handhelds.
Westminster College official website. My Alma Mater.
Howard Forums. Mobile phone technology information.
The Age newspaper in Melbourne, Australia
Straight Dope. Fighting Ignorance. Facts on a variety of informative subjects.
Possibly the coolest TV advertisement ever
Some guys website of great photos of Melbourne, Australia. Facts on website popularity, and traffic.
World Gazetteer. Interesting world statistics.
X-Entertainment. Cool stuff from the 80's, along with reviews and articles.
Fark. A collection of weird news each day.

We Like The Moon
Bud Light Presents Real Men of Genius

All Your Base Are Belong to Us
Flash Cartoons.
The Onion. America's finest news source. Satire News
Mystery Science Theater 3000 Website.
Eric Conveys an Emotion.
The T'inator! (hasn't been up forever, but i keep hoping it'll come
back....please!) A satire on peoples racial attitudes.
Worst Case Scenarios. You never know when this info will come in handy.